Eugene: Hi there.
Locke: Hello, Eugene.
Eugene: Whoa... How'd you know my name?
Locke: The Island told me.
Eugene: The Island? You mean that terrible movie with Scarlett Johansson?
Locke: I'm afraid I haven't seen that movie.
Eugene: You're probably better off. So who's this Jacob fellow?
Locke: You know who Jacob is?
Eugene: I guess... I just kind of heard his voice in my head.
Locke: Say, Eugene, would you mind stepping a little over towards that pit of dead bodies?
Eugene: Yes, I would. I'm leaving, you creepy old bastard.
Then I thought, what would it be like to talk to some of the other survivors of Oceanic Flight 815? Hmm...

Eugene: Hey, Jack.
Jack: Hi. Who are you?
Eugene: Oh, whew, I thought for a second that all of you guys would be as creepy as John Locke.
Jack: Yeah, John's a lunatic. Who are you?
Eugene: Oh right. I'm Eugene.
Jack: Nice to meet you, I'm Jack.
Eugene: So what was it like being stuck on that island?
Jack: Well, I was working these two chicks for about 100 days but never got lucky. I even had to watch one of them have wild animal sex in a cage with another guy.
Eugene: Yikes. That's roug-- wait, you "had" to?
Jack: Yeah, it was rough...
Eugene: Hm. So, is that why you're wasted at 2 in the afternoon?
Jack: Don't you judge me!! You're just like my father! [starts sobbing]
Eugene: What?
Jack: [Still sobbing] I wanna go back!! I wanna go back to the island!!
Eugene: Man, you really do need to get laid.
Jack: Well... I gave CPR to an old lady dying of cancer, a former addict/hobbit, and a crazy Scottish dude. Does that count?
Eugene: Wha--? No. No, that's just really sketchy.
Jack: I'm sorry. It's been a long 100 days.
Eugene: Sure it has. I'm leaving now.

Eugene: Helloooo, nurse!
Kate: It’s Kate. Who are you?
Eugene: Eugene.
Kate: Stay away from my son.
Eugene: Who? Wha… Oh, that kid over there? But he doesn’t look like you at a—
Eugene: Ha! You’re sexy when you’re crazy. Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Kate: That joke isn’t supposed to be directed at a girl. And yes, it is a gun.
Eugene: Right. Have fun with your “son.” I’m leaving. ….Psycho hose beast.

Black Smoke Monster: [incoherent whisper]
Eugene: Holy shit! Please don’t kill me!
Black Smoke Monster: [incoherent whisper]
Eugene: What are you?? What do you want??
Black Smoke Monster: [incoherent whisper]
Eugene: Fuck this shit! I’m out of here! [runs away]
Black Smoke Monster: … Aw, c’mon! I was just fucking with you!
Jack’s Dead Father: See? What did I tell you? If you keep killing people, you’ll never have any friends.
Black Smoke Monster: JESUS! Where the fuck did you come from?? You have to stop appearing out of nowhere. That shit is annoying as fuck.
Jack's Dead Father: Ha! You should've seen the look on your cloud-face.
Black Smoke Monster: Yeah? You should've seen the how about you SHUT YOUR FACE?? Drunk asshole.
Jack’s Dead Father: I’m sober!
Black Smoke Monster: That’s just because you haven’t found any booze on the island yet.
Jack’s Dead Father: … Isn’t there some rum buried around here somewhere?
Black Smoke Monster: You saw that in Pirates of the Caribbean, dumbass.
Jack’s Dead Father: Shit. Fuck this place, I’m leaving.

Eugene: Hey, Sawyer
Sawyer: Yo, Skinny McGee.
Eugene: Skinny McWhat?
Sawyer: Sorry. I gave all the good nicknames to everyone else on the island.
Eugene: Well, I suppose it could be worse. What are you up to?
Sawyer: I was just sittin’ here reading and drinking really old beer. ‘Til you came along.
Eugene: Yeah, good thing I did! Books are boring. You seem pretty relaxed.
Sawyer: Why wouldn’t I be? I’m on an island paradise, I finally killed the guy who killed my mom, I got all the fish and coconut I could possibly eat… Hey, I even did it with a hot chick in a cage!
Eugene: Yeah, I heard. Man, I feel bad for Jack…
Sawyer: What’d you say?
Eugene: Nothing. Can I have a beer?
Sawyer: Sorry, last one. You'll have to go get more from Ben’s father.
Eugene: Ben's father? You mean the dead guy in the van? I’ll pass. Enjoy your dead person beer. I’m leaving.
Hm... On second thought, maybe I don't want to talk to any of those people. I guess being stranded on a crazy, sort of living island is enough to drive anyone nuts.
1 comment:
haha from one lost nerd to another, i love that you put so much time into this. after a long EIGHT months, we can finally get back into this damn show!
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