Monday, September 08, 2008

Something's Not Quite Right Here...

Apparently, some nutjob broke into the home of 2 Fresno, CA farmworkers yesterday and stole some money.

Why is this so strange? After all, home invasion and theft isn't that uncommon. Ah yes, but 22-year-old Antonio Vasquez is no ordinary burglar. This guy took it upon himself to rub spices on one of the residents and then wacked the other one with an 8-inch sausage before he ran off.

...Yeah, take that one in for a second...

So, not only did this guy break into a house, rub spices on one of the sleeping inhabitants and slap the other guy with an 8-inch long kilbasa, but this dumbass left his wallet in the house! Why? Who knows... probably because he left his pants there as well?? He was found hiding in a nearby field wearing only a t-shirt, boxers and socks.


The only one who lucked out is the dog who found the giant piece of sausage after Vazquez chucked it while fleeing the scene.



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