Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Crazy Subway Person #3: Stair Stopper

Okay, this CSP doesn't reference a specific encounter I've had in the subway, but rather several separate experiences I've had with the same phenomenon. That is, people who stop on the stairs in subway stations to look around, check their watch, make a phone call, etc etc.

For instance, when I was coming out of the 14th Street subway station the other day, in a rush to get to work, the lady I was following reached the top of the stairs at the exit and simply stopped moving. Would it have killed her to stop, oh I dunno, TWO STEPS further away from the stairs to allow me, and the horde of rush-hour workers behind me, to get by?

So, if you're going up or down a set of subway stairs, PLEASE do not stop until you have cleared the landing by at least a few steps to let the people behind you get by!!



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