At first, I thought, oh no... It's one of those weird out-of-service trains. But then I paused as I noticed the glowing red lights above the front window of the leading subway car... Perhaps it was an errant 2 train? 6 train, perhaps? Then, it came closer... and I saw it:

With a gasp and a full-toothed grin, I beamed at the approaching loveliness! At long last! The MTA gods have deemed the F line fit for new trains! Even as the sleek, new doors slid open and I was greeted with the pleasantly articulate female voice, which proclaimed that yes, indeed, this was 34th Street, Herald Square and that you could transfer to the N, Q, R, V, or W trains, I could hardly believe that my wildest public transit wish had come true.

The interior was so well lit, the ride was so smooth, and the automated voice cues were so easily understood that, for a few moments, I thought I must've somehow been magically transported onto a 6 train. While I was somewhat disappointed to find out that, no, magical transportation was still not a reality, I was overJOYED to discover that I was still sitting on a Brooklyn-bound F train, slinking stealthily and steadily towards my destination.
Ah... It almost made me forget the extra $20 I'm going to have to spend... every... month.... to ride this... majestic people mover...