...Then there are most other people, who don't have some horrible event happen, but rather have to suffer embarrassment or shame due to some "little" incident. For those people, there are sites like www.fmylife.com.
Here, ordinary people like you and me can share and comiserate about some of the terrible (but not too terrible) things that have happened to us. Or, you can just laugh at all the poor shmucks who submitted their stories. ...But let's face it, we all have a "fuck my life" story to contribute, don't we? Here are a few choice selections:
Today, my girlfriend dumped me proclaiming she wanted someone more like her "Edward". I asked her who Edward was. She held up a copy her "Twilight" book. She was talking about a fictional vampire. FML
Today, my wife left me the following voicemail: “Alex, last night was amazing. You took me to places I’ve never been to before. I can’t wait to see you tonight after work.” My name is Rob. We haven’t had sex in two years. FML
and my favorite (because it's happened to me):
Today, after a late night at the bars, I stepped into my building's elevator with a Chinese man who was carrying a plastic bag. Without thinking I said, "Oooh, are you still delivering?" His response, "I live here." FML
Are some of these made up? Who knows... Probably. But hey, if you can't suspend your disbelief long enough to have a good laugh at these mini-stories, well... I dunno. Lighten up, man!